Monday, November 26, 2012


AGENT 983.628.493
I am contacting you to discuss my current field operation. I was sent through the portal to the year of 2012 to observe the civilization's technological habits in order to hypothesize where humankind lost itself to the indefinite powers of self-aware technology. Our purpose, as the C.I.A., is to enlighten and promote the truth in order for a more secure universe. I have reason to believe that our time is most needed here, in 2012. I have traveled through time to find the turning point regarding the control of humans vs. computers. The turning point is here. Our troops must embark immediately through the portal to bring intelligence to all before it's too late. Now is the time to save humanity from our self-inflicted enslavement.
What I discovered will shock you. We are dealing with a problem much bigger than previously believed. It begins in a period that was referred to as simply “The Dark Ages” – a very bleak, yet fitting title. The power of Rome fell in the year 476. The world was at an economical standstill. For a moment, I regretted that the portal delivered me to such an austere era.
However, when the churches within the cities closed their doors, monasticism thrived in response. This forced the church to expand and preach to the rural areas. I was required to research the time period before my trip through the portal, but found our records to be flawed. I read that religion fell responsible for the dark destruction of the world at the time. However, what I witnessed in this ancient time was something greatly different. In this dark era, religion provided the only source of light in a barbaric time. They encouraged the discovery of truth.
The next trip through the portal took me to the late 17th century, where a group of scholars formed a secret society. This society flourished in reason and science. This group made me believe that we were on the right path towards the discovery of truth or the cloud of intelligence, which we know is the ultimate goal.
The society started out well with inventions that could enlighten the entire population. They constructed machines that could find and deliver the truth to all. First, I watched the origin of print. I watched as a man by the name of Gutenberg worked on this powerful machine. He used it to create books of religion – books of truth. He enlightened the world with a gift of literacy. People of all classes began to read and could discover and interpret truth for themselves. However, as time went on, shiny little books called magazines and flimsy newspapers delivered the news to the people of the world. I thought this was a good idea, at first. The expansion of truth is our purpose, is it not? However, the newspapers and magazines were not created with the intention of spreading the entire truth. Government programs manipulated the papers and released only the news they wanted the population to receive. Even in 2012, the news cannot be trusted. The humans, however, do not know this. They take everything as fact, immediately. Those who doubt are ridiculed.
I then took the portal to the year 1872, where I befriended a gentleman by the name of Leland Stanford. I enjoyed his company quite well over my time in that era. We watched as his horse ran about a track; his hooves set off sensors that triggered cameras to capture the image. It was quite remarkable, really, for it lead to a revolution of documentation and entertainment. People would gather to view black and white pictures on a reel with no sound. I must admit I was rather bored while viewing this barbaric quality of film, but the excitement on the faces of the other citizens was rather satisfying. This led to the invention of television, where the humans could view shows and broadcasts from the comfort of their own home. Families gathered around the televisions as a method of bonding. It was a momentarily bright moment in the history. But as you know, this is soon to be overturned.
The travel I enjoyed the most was just before the 20th century, where gentlemen began experimenting with sound waves and vibrations. The first man to create a radio station was by the name of Marconi. His name always reminded me of the dried pasta, but I didn’t think he would understand the reference. However, his work was very beneficial for the military, which was able to transfer clear signals without too much interference. Soon the radio began to broadcast general news and I believed we had reached a successful way to enlighten the people. Unfortunately, corruption put the radio stations in the dark and a few businesses owned the vast majority of stations. The situation was bleak and the news narrow-minded.  However, the citizens knew not of the filtered news they received.
The most powerful tool came next: the computer. We both know of this enemy well. However, at this point, computers were harmless to human beings for they lacked any sort of extreme knowledge. But as the years passed, computers grew stronger, faster, and smaller. No longer were they reserved for businesses, but families could own their own personal computer in their homes. The invention of the computer lead to further programs of influence, such as social media websites. Most importantly, however, their invention fed the desire of completing the cloud. Humans began to desire more knowledge and relied on their technology to do so – this is the stage we see so commonly in 2012. The technology soon surpassed the intelligence of the humans, and the rest, as you know, is history.
 For a moment, I believed that these inventions would add to the cloud of knowledge, but then I remembered how the story ends, for I have seen it. That is, unless we can change the people of 2012 and show them the light. Their government keeps them docile with things like fluoride-induced water and influenced media. They don’t even realize they are walking with their eyes forced shut, led by the hand of the government. They are sheep. They need the true cloud. The cloud will make them see their errors if we cannot reach them. The technology they love so much will soon overpower them – we’ve seen it and experiences the consequences. They carry the government with them everywhere they go in this little handheld device. They don’t go ten minutes without glancing at the little black screen. It has replaced all other inventions. It has a built in radio, television, and retrieves online news. The humans devote their time to this machine. It seems they grow attached to their own destruction.
I request that the C.I.A. sends more troops through the portal. We need to do something if we are to change the fate of the world.
I am sending this in code for fear of interception by the Computers. You can never be too safe.
-          AGENT 983.628.493

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